Top 10 Unique, Cool Indoor Plants That Easy To Grow
Nature is fantastic in that it provides the most incredible greens, and many of them make excellent houseplants if you want to decorate with houseplants for your space. In this article, Adria Workshop will introduce you to the top 10 cool indoor plants and some indoor plant ideas to add color and interest to every room. See more: Decorate Mid-Century Modern Plants In a Suitable Space 10 Best Mid-Century Modern Plant Stands And Tables Ideas 10 cool indoor plants that are easy to grow. (Source: Internet). Table of contents [ Show ] Monstera adansoniiBotanical Name: Monstera Adansonii Soil pH: 5.5 to 7.0 Soil Type: Well-draining soil Sun Exposure: Tolerates low light but performs best in medium-to-bright light. Monstera is also called the "split-leaf philodendron" since its glossy, large, heart-shaped leaves have a characteristic split like the holes in the cheese. This plant can grow up to 78 inches high, and if you give it space to climb, it will take over any space, giv...